Make A Mosquito-Repelling Bracelet

When out camping, you’ll always run into the risk of pesky bugs, especially mosquitoes! There is no escape! Say you’re on a family hike in the woods and about half way through the hike you realize you forgot to bring the bug spray. What do you do? Surely the bugs and dreadful, buzzing mosquitoes will carry you and your family away! We can help! Make an afternoon of family crafting and learn how to make a mosquito-repelling bracelet! In this fun and easy crafting activity, at the end of it all you’ll have a fashionable and awesome mosquito-repelling bracelet to go wherever you do!

Bracelet Supplies

-Two different-colored paracords (paracord soaks up essential oils easily and can be found at craft stores)

-Paracord bracelet clip (also found at craft stores)

-Sharp scissors

-Lighter or matches


  1. Cut off 54” of each color of cord (about an arms length).
  2. Fuse together the two pieces with either fabric glue or the lighter by slightly melting the ends and pressing them together.
  3. Melt the other ends so they don’t come unraveled.
  4. Get the bracelet clip and loop the cords through so it stays secure.
  5. Take the other clip piece and loop the other ends of the cord through.
  6. Clip the bracelet around your wrist for sizing.
  7. Unclip and hold the loose end so sizing measurement isn’t lost.
  8. Pick which color you want to be on the inside of your design.
  9. Starting at the end you looped around the clip to secure, take the color you want on the inside and loop it over the top of the other cords
  10. Loop the second colored cord over, under, and through the first.
  11. Pull the cords tight.
  12. Repeat the same steps of looping cords, BUT start your first cord on the opposite side
  13. Repeat those steps, alternating the side your first cord starts on.
  14. When you reach the end of the bracelet, trim off the excess cord.
  15. Melt the ends you trimmed off with the lighter to prevent the bracelet from unraveling.

Now your bracelet is ready for mosquito repellent!

Ingredients For Mosquito Repellent

-1 C. witch hazel

-15 drops of citronella essential oil

-15 drops of lemongrass essential oil

-5 drops of lavender essential oil

-5 drops of peppermint essential oil


  1. Add witch hazel and essential oils to a spray bottle and shake to combine.
  2. Spray the mixture onto both sides of your bracelet until it is thoroughly saturated.
  3. Set aside to dry.

That’s it! Once it’s dry, snap on your fantastic bracelet and repel those nasty mosquitoes in style! If you find yourself sweating while enjoying fun camping activities, reapply the repellent to the bracelet and let it dry before putting it back on. This is a fun project that the whole family can do together before heading out on a camping trip!

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